Thursday, May 24, 2012

UberConference: First Look

Uberconference promises simpler (and visual) conference calls and it's free.

Once you sign up, you have the ability to import contacts from Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo and, if all else fails, CSV.

Also, you then get a conference number and PIN. It's permanent. All your conferences will use this.

Time for my daily 1-on-1...

with Batman.

Once you're done, your previous conference calls are stored in your history.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Who are you and what have you done with Twitter's Fail Whale?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kicksend pivots, sort of.

Before, Kicksend used to be like every other file transfer web application out there. "Share files easily with friends", they said.


That's not enough. How are they different? What makes them unique? Is file sharing really that big a problem??

They look at their logs and realize, "duh! everyone is using this service to send personal videos and pictures to friends". It's kind of an Instagram moment. Not many people sending across pdfs and docs.

Scratch file sharing. Let's be all about sharing pics and videos with friends since that's what they're sharing anyway. We also neatly skip the whole "sharing of pirated material problem" that generic filesharing services might face.

Added bonus, personal pics and videos are so important that people may be willing to pay to back them up in addition to transferring them.


Kicksend now is all about friends & family sharing pics. Tagline: "Send private batches of photos & videos to people you love". Awww.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Facebook's Timeline is one of the Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2012...Really??!!

A Faster Fourier Transform, Crowdsourcing, 3D Transistors...Facebook's timeline(!). Rubbing shoulders with the likes of a Faster Fourier Transform, Facebook's Timeline is chosen as one of the Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2012 by MIT Tech Review. Really? Really? This is the best we could do?